Ultima modifica: 11 Novembre 2019
I.I.S. Vilfredo Federico PARETO > Docenti > 1st nov 2019: It’s Halloween time!

1st nov 2019: It’s Halloween time!

Class 5F celebrates Halloween time and reflects about “magical thinking” in Harry Potter’s saga (1st nov 2019).

Under the spell of a real Harry Potter mania,

class 5F of Liceo delle Scienze Umane celebrates the Halloween time …

With the help of Professor Mc Gonagall / Castellani, the students, dressed in Harry Potter’s characters, reflect about the pedagogical value of the saga.
Following the tradition started by L. Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter’s story is meant to develop, especially in its young-aged readers, the so called “magical thinking”, which allows them to see the world and act on it from different perspectives.
But, as Dumbledore says, “it makes no sense taking refuge in dreams and forget to live”; after all, Harry and his friends face and defeat all obstacles not through magic, but thanks to what they learnt in their formative experiences as persons!

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